Our Team

Meet Our Team

Growing Readers is a literacy professional learning grant designed and implemented through Georgia’s 16 Regional Educational Service Agencies (RESAs) and administered through the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement and the Georgia Department of Education.

The RESA network team is comprised of Certified Growing Readers Specialists. These specialists were carefully selected to engage in Growing Readers based on a wide range of experience with teaching reading as well as a shared passion for impacting teaching and learning across the state.

Central Savannah River Area RESA

Chattahoochee-Flint RESA

Coastal Plains RESA

First District RESA

Griffin RESA

Metro RESA

Middle Georgia RESA

North Georiga RESA

Northeast Georgia RESA

Northwest Georgia RESA

Oconee RESA

Okefenokee RESA

Pioneer RESA

Southwest RESA

West Georgia RESA